
Adult Fiction & Poetry Competitions

The 2022 Allingham Poetry and Flash Fiction Competitions are designed to recognise and reward talented writers who, in the footsteps of William Allingham, seek to launch or further their careers. The Allingham Festival offers competitions for adult writers of poetry and flash fiction. (Competitions for Children’s Art and Writing will be announced separately.)

The top prize in both Flash Fiction and Poetry is €300. First-, Second- and Third-Place Winners will be invited to read their winning entries in an awards ceremony during the Festival.

For the 2022 adult P&FF Competition rules and entry forms, click here.


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Nets of Wonder - Encore!

An encore charity performance of Nets of Wonder: Stories on the Wall will take place in Dublin on Thursday, 19th May 2022 to support the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association. The performance combines the much-loved Sunday Miscellany writings of Olive Travers with the artwork of Barry Britton and original music by Eamon Travers to create an unforgettable multi-sensory experience.

Nets of Wonder will be performed in the Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin at 19:00 on 19 May, following a drinks reception at 18:30. Tickets for the event can be purchased through Eventbrite.

The event is sponsored by Brian J McMullin Solicitors in association with The Donegal Dublin Business Network, the Donegal Association - Dublin, and the Allingham Arts Association.


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Break A Leg to the Cast & Crew of 'The Bread Man'!!


All of us here at Allingham Festival HQ would like to say break a leg to the cast and crew of ‘The Bread Man’ by Frank Mc Guinness, which opens tonight in the Abbey Arts Centre at 8pm, the first event in our programme this year!

Everyone involved has been working hard since auditions back in the summer, and we can’t wait to see the fruits of their labour tonight! Director Keith Robinson has been putting the cast of 13 through their paces in evening and weekend rehearsals since then, with producer Carl Duggan helping to move things forward. Of course, the production would not have been possible without the support of Ballyshannon Drama Society, who have assisted in all aspects of this show. Take a bow all involved!

Tonight’s play is the first of only two performances of ‘The Bread Man’. The second performance will take place on Friday Nov. 8th, and will be preceded by a special tribute to our guest of honour, playwright Frank Mc Guinness. The tributes will be led by award-winning director Caitríona Mc Laughlin, representing the Abbey Theatre, Dublin. Caitríona, who also hails from Inishowen, won the Irish Times Theatre Director of the Year 2019 for ‘On Raftery’s Hill’, and has been a life-long fan of Mc Guinness’s work.

Tickets will be available on the door for tonight’s production, but demand for the tribute and performance on Friday night is high, so we strongly recommend booking in advance.

The Abbey Arts Centre Box Office will be open on Thursday from 11am - 3pm, and all day on Friday from 11am. Buy tickets in person or book on 071 9851375.

Online Bookings:


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Changes to Our Programme

With Allingham Festival week finally upon us, we have made a few changes to our programme:

  • The History Ireland Hedge School is now a Free event (Saturday Nov. 9th, 6pm, Abbey Arts Centre)

  • The launch of Sean O’Tuathaigh’s book ‘Outlanders’ will take place at the Literary Lunch in Nirvana Restaurant, The Mall, Ballyshannon (The Literary Lunch, Saturday Nov. 9th, 12-2.30)

  • Mary Kelly-Reid’s Wardrobe Detox workshop has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

We’ve updated our handy one-page schedule with these changes, so if you’ve already downloaded it, you might like to download the new version instead, just so you don’t miss out on any of our fantastic events!


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Primary School Competitions Winners

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Primary School Fiction, Poetry and Art competitions. We received loads of fantastic entries, and the judges had a tough time selecting the winners. Well done to all the young writer and artists in Primary Schools who took part in this year’s competitions!!

The Awards Ceremony will take place in the Abbey Arts Centre on Saturday Nov. 9th from 12.30pm. All winners are invited. See you there!!

Allingham Primary Schools winners


Senior Short Story

1st - Leah Gallagher - ‘The Journey’ (Killian N.S.)

2nd - Seán O’ Donnell - ‘Trapped’ (Glenties)

3rd - Annabelle Frankham - ‘Abilene’ (Hunt N.S.)

 Junior Short Story

1st - Lucy Foy - ‘Exploring the Wonderful World of Chocolate’ (Killian N.S.)

2nd - Niamh Mc Grath - ‘Away with the Fairies’ (Creevy N.S.)

3rd - Emily Lloyd - ‘Sam’s Pen’ (Creevy N.S.)


 Senior Poetry

1st - Siena Mc Garrigle - ‘The Perfect Place’ (Scoil Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)

2nd - Hazel Crowe - ‘…When You Fall Asleep’ (Hunt N.S.)

3rd - ‘The Colours’ (Scoil Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)


 Junior Poetry

1st - Ellen Monaghan - ‘The Happy Elephant’ (Creevy N.S.)

2nd - Hannah Towey - ‘The Witch Scoil’ (Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)

3rd - Jenna Britton - ‘Night Lights’ (Creevy N.S.)


Senior Art

 1st - Rossa Mc Auley - ‘Alone’ (Scoil Chaitríona)

2nd - Rosie Mae Weir - ‘Space Scoil’ (Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)

3rd - Bianka Parajkova - Dragon Scoil’ (Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)

Junior A Art

1st - Laura Quinn - ‘The Tree’ (Scoil Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)

2nd - Lucy Browne - ‘The Eye of the Beholder’ (Scoil Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)

3rd - Cara Kearney - ‘Peace and Happiness’ (Glenswilly N.S.)

 Junior B Art

1st - Angelic Tchoualak - ‘Sunshine’ (Scoil Aodh Ruadh agus Nuala)

2nd - Christian Ó’Gallochóir - ‘Hedgehog with Leaves’ (Mín Tine Dé)

3rd - Ethan Daly - ‘Bay at Sunset’ (Kilbarron)


Gearrscéal Sinsear

1st - Ava Caulfield - ‘An Cluiche Peil’ (Doochary N.S.)

2nd - Zara Devlin - ‘Oíche Shámhna’ (Clonmany)

3rd - Daithí Ó’Luagh - ‘Caitheamh Aimsire’ (Doochary N.S.)

Gearrscéal Soisear

1st - Katie Ní Cnáimhsí - ‘Ag Snámh’ (Doochary N.S.)

2 Aimee Quirke - ‘Oíche Shámhna’ (Malin)

3rd - Katie Ní Ceallabhuí - ‘Caitheamh Aimsire’ (Doochary N.S.)

FilÍocht Sinsear

1st - Ríonnach Ní Dhochartaigh - ‘Mo Ghairdín Rúnda’ (Mín Tine Dé)

2nd - ReitlÍn Ní Dhochartaigh - ‘Gairdín’ Rúnda’ (Mín Tine Dé)

3rd Jessica Ní Thiomanaí - ‘An Gairdín Rúnda’ (Mín Tine Dé)

Filíocht Soisear

1st - Dónaillín Ní Ghallochóir - ’An Gairdín Rúnda’ (Mín Tine Dé)

2nd - Cathal Ó’Braonáin - ‘Sneachta’ (Mín Tine Dé)

3rd - Cara Ní Ghallachóir - ‘An Ghrian’ (Mín Tine Dé)

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