A couple of young local creatives showing us 'what they do' in the creative industry at #allingham 2014. Well done lads and we hope to see you both back at #allingham 2015 with more projects?
Under Open Skies - Jason Kane (Writer)
Produced by local man Jason Kane, the film features Ballyshannon handball players in the local Handball Alley. This was a local premiere of the film. 'Under Open Skies' is an affectionate look back on the recent history of the GAA sport of Handball, amidst the backdrop of the creation and subsequent dereliction of the countless outdoor alleys that scatter the landscape of both urban and rural Ireland.
A Quick Fortune - James Gavigan (Writer/Actor)
Web-series producer, writer and actor James Gavigan explores stories we create and share in a modern digital age. Also included was a screening of the first four episodes of his recently released 'A Quick Fortune' web series. The Allingham Festival is an ideal opportunity to showcase local talent, if you are working in the creative industry and have a story to tell or a project you would like to share in 2015, give us a shout as we will be taking proposals in early 2015. A