The shortlists for the 2022 Allingham Festival Flash Fiction & Poetry Competitions are now available. Congratulations to everyone, and best of luck in the rest of the competition.

The three finalists in each category will be announced soon. The finalists will be invited to read their work in our streaming Awards Ceremony (via Zoom), before the winners will be announced by the judges, Kate Ennals (poetry) and Mia Gallagher (fiction).

To register to attend the Awards Ceremony on Zoom, please follow this link:

2022 Allingham Flash Fiction Competition Shortlist  

selected from 109 entries 


Bin Juice – Luca Melis 

Blood Cycles – Bríd McGinley 

Duelling at the Lime Kiln – Shane Leavy 

Gym Floor – Rachel Alexander 

Invisible Men – Mary Angland 

Nighthawks – Christina Campbell 

Not All Men – Emma M Murray 

Summer of ‘73 – Frances Gapper 

Sweaty Deli Ham – Luca Melis 

That Vonnegut Thing – Partridge Boswell 

The Blue of My Sea – Paul Joyce 

The Dominatrix Takes the Tube Four Nights a Week – Shannon Savvas 

2022 Allingham Poetry Competition Shortlist  

selected from 426 entries 


A Baby is Not Broken – Clara McShane 

A Child’s Twelfth – Kenneth Somerville 

A Random List of Things (That Do Not Define Me) – Stuti Sinha 

Abra, Maidservant to Judith – Caroline Bracken 

Absence – Breda Joyce 

Behind Her Eyes – Maureen Curran 

Boathouse – Seamus McDermott 

Carpenter – Christian Wethered 

First and Second Movement – James Finnegan 

Gift – Caroline Smith 

Incarnate – Glen Wilson 

Kite Flying – Tim Dwyer 

Late in the Day – Maureen Curran 

Luctus – Peggy McCarthy 

Malin Head – Lorraine Carey 

Matryoshka – Partridge Boswell 

Naming Love – Elise Carney Frazier 

Ode to a Lamb – Breda Hyland 

Old Lady – David Merrifield 

Oystercatchers – Siobhan McNamara 

Paddy Dunleavy’s Lament – Elizabeth Kearney 

Pouffe – Lynda Tavakoli 

Red River Blues – John D Kelly 

Respondi Respondi – Breda Joyce 

Seeds of Time – Patricia Doole 

Shame – Emma Towey 

Subbuteo Game – Seamus McDermott 

The Hunter’s Bed – Jamie O’Halloran 

The Superpower – Partridge Boswell 

The Transaction – Pauline Hall 

To a Song Thrush – John D Kelly 

Tongue Tied – Moya Hegarty 

Two Haibun – Jennifer Harrison 

Waiting – Niamh Donnellan 

Wedding Present – Seamus McDermott 


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