All Secondary School Writers, Poets & Teachers:

Deadline Extended for Allingham 2022 Fiction & Poetry Competitions

New Deadline: October 13th

The Allingham Arts Festival is once again running the annual Poetry, Short Story and Art Competitions for secondary schools, sponsored by Donegal ETB.

We've received some fantastic entries over the years, covering every style and genre of writing!

Entries can be sent in via schools, by post or using our online entry form on our website (

Competition Info:

- Entries must not have been previously published.

- Title/Theme is open

- Each entry must be typed.

- Maximum 800 words for Flash Fiction.

- Entries will not be returned.

- Indication of name or identity should not appear on the story or poem.

If you have any further queries, email

Please make sure all entries include at least one way of getting in touch, by phone or email, so we can notify winners. All shortlists and winners will be announced on our website and social media shortly before the festival begins.


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