There is great anticipation around Ballyshannon for tomorrow night’s Premiere of Obituary on RTE1 at 10:15 PM. The blacker than black comedy-drama was filmed around Ballyshannon and Bundoran some months ago. It stars Siobhan Cullen as the “prim reaper” Elvira Clancy who finds her job on the local newspaper under threat. She suddenly finds that writing obituaries is her only source of income. What’s a girl to do but make sure that there are plenty of obituaries to write?

By the time the Allingham festival comes around the full first season will have been shown but we are so confident of its popularity that we have acquired the rights to show episode one on the big screen in the Abbey Arts Centre at 7 PM on Friday, November 10. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with one of the producers, Paddy Hayes and, who knows, we may also persuade a few cast members to join us.

We hope you will, too.


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